edited by Patty Greenall
New Planet - KX 76
IT’S around 900 miles in diameter. It’s four billion miles away, 43 times
the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It has an elliptical orbit much
like that of its nearest planetary neighbour, Pluto. It’s a colossal boulder
of rock and ice, probably left over from the formation of the solar system.
It’s the biggest astronomical - and astrological - discovery for decades.
It’s a new planet. And, until a better name is decided, it’s known only as
2001 KX76.
Larry Wasserman, a scientist based at Lowell Observatory in Arizona, told
Astro News: "We work as a team - myself, Robert Millis, Jim Elliot, Susan
Kern and Mark Buie.
"In May this year, Jim and I were taking routine images. We take photos in
pairs separated by two hours, one in red and the other in blue-green. Later,
we superimpose the images. With stationary objects the red and blue-green
images appear on top of each other and are seen as white. Moving objects show
up as separate specks of colour. That’s how we spotted KX76."
The new planet appears in the distant section of the solar system known as
the Kuiper Belt. Objects in the Kuiper Belt are traditionally given
mythological names associated with creation. The next largest known Kuiper
Belt Object, is Varuna (diameter 560 miles). It was named after the Indian
god of oceans and water.
Already hundreds of readers have suggested names.
Scores of readers think "Peace" would be an ideal choice. Gillian Bunce, of
Kidlington, Oxfordshire, suggests "Enigma". Rose Coplestone, of Barking,
Essex, likes the name "Phoenix". One visitor even suggested Chunkarockus!
Keep the names coming. We’ll make sure Larry’s team
receive the best. Email jon@bubble.com (with subject heading: name that planet).
It's not just people that have horoscopes. Animals have them too.
So do companies, teams, buildings, even TV shows. The basic rule
in astrology is that, if something has a clear moment when it first
came into being it can have a horoscope - no matter what it is. The
first episode of EastEnders was aired on February 19, 1985 at 7pm,
only moments after a new moon in Pisces. In some charts, this is
not such a good omen but if you want to grab hold of public
interest, it's a prime time to do it.
The moon represents "the
people" and in this horoscope, "the people" are so close to the Sun
that they have no choice other than to fall under its spell. The Sun,
in the chart, is ruled by Jupiter which, in turn, is in the fifth house of
drama, amusement, public houses, recreation and procreation.
And that just about says it all - unless, of course, you want to
know about the future for EastEnders, this week’s big TV award-winner. Here,
the planets are emphatic. It is... to be continued!
SKYWATCHING with Bernard Fitzwalter
As above, so below, as astrologers say - meaning that what the planets do,
people will do, as well. Over the next couple of weeks the planets are
playing hide-and seek - if you’re up early or late you can watch them doing
it. Venus rises before the Sun, so if you're up before 7am, look east to see
her close to the horizon, bright and clear. With luck you just might see
Mercury next to her, on the left. Mercury and Venus are exactly together
twice in the next few days, so the goddess of love and the trickster are
obviously up to something! Mars, Venus’s usual partner is on the other side
of the sky. Watch him set, a low red light in the south-west, nightly around
9pm. He knows nothing about what the other two are up to. Does this say
anything to you?