edited by Patty Greenall
The new planet KX76 - Does that new planet spell doom for this one?
In just 538 days, when the newly-discovered planet, known only as KX76, is at
its closest to the earth - the north and south poles will suddenly shift to
create a new ice age, and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes will devastate m
ost of the planet. And 90 per cent of the world’s population will perish.
How do we know this? Because it’s on the internet, so it must be true,
mustn’t it? Oh no it isn’t. This is just the latest in a long pantomime
tradition of doom-mongering from conspiracy theorists with a book to sell.
This particular group believe that the world is going to end - or come very
close to it - in spring 2003.
You’ll find their ‘warning’ at www.planetx2003.f2s.com.
The doom-mongers believe KX76 is really Planet X, alias Nemesis, or Kibiris,
to give it its ancient Sumerian name. It comes close to earth every 3,600
years, wreaking havoc in its wake. Of course, the only way to be sure of
seeing the year 2004, they suggest, is to send $14.95 immediately to get
their handbook with all you need survive. So far, 350,000 copies sold. This
scare-mongering is good for business.
Jonathan Cainer says: "You can expect much more of this kind of scare story
as the excitement builds around this new planet. But far from being a sign of
catastrophe, this new planet is a symbol of hope."
At Lowell Observatory in Arizona, Larry Wasserman, the scientist who
discovered KX76, took a look at the wacky site and said yesterday: "This is
not going to happen. I don't know how these guys get away with this. It's
utter garbage".
Larry Wasserman and Bob Millis, the astronomers who discovered KX76 have agreed to
consider our suggestions when they are consulted about naming the new planet.
This week scores more suggestions arrived, including Aurora (a
new dawn of love and caring), from Sandra Todd; Psyche, from
Suzanne Sutherland; Nirvana (enlightenment) Pam Lewis; Optimus, from Carol
Barnard; and Artemis (Greek goddess of the hunt) suggested by
Andrea Tolme.
Keep writing. We'll make sure Larry's team receive the best.
Astrolivelink - Advice is just a phone call away
Miss X: I've been divorced for some time and six months ago met the man of my
dreams. The trouble is that he doesn't seem to want to settle down. Does it
look like he ever will?
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