edited by Patty Greenall
Clone encounter of the KX76 kind
In the light of the controversy surrounding this stunning ‘coincidence’(?),
KX76 may deserve a sinister, rather than a friendly, name. Feel free to keep
sending your suggestions.
Meanwhile, back on earth, here are some of your recent ideas for a name for
the planet.
Why tonight’s full moon could cast a spell - Full Moon at 8.49pm GMT
Folklore and mystery have always surrounded the Full Moon. But what is the
truth behind this monthly phenomon? After all, the Moon's opposition to the
Sun is only an astronomical occurrence, isn't it? Yet there is no doubt
that the Moon has a strong pull on the oceans making them ebb and flow
creating high tide when the Moon is full. It’s at this time that the lunar
sphere’s powers are at their peak. Certainly, emotions, which the Moon rules
astrologically, are at their most intense. Witches made full use of this
energy to cast spells or energise love potions. In times past, it was noted
that people who were mentally ill grew more restless at the Full Moon - not
surprising since the Moon also rules the right side of the brain, where all
creativity and fantasy reside.
Full Moon is a time for empowerment and creativity. Write that novel or take
out the paintbrush. It’s also a very fruitful time when babies are born, and
conceived. So make love under the stars if you want to start a family. Or ask
your lover for a favour, or your boss for a rise. They are less likely to
refuse. Tend sick plants at this time, and they will grow more lush. It’s a
time for expansion after all.
Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon so keep a notepad by the bed.
You'll find answers to many of your problems. Since emotions are heightened
at this time, put off making business decisions. Impartiality takes a
holiday since feelings rule. Avoid family squabbles as emotions can get out
of control. It’s a time to bury the past.
The Moon's affinity with water suggests the body is greatly influenced at
this time as 90 per cent of the body is water. If you suffer with water
retention, eat foods ruled by the Moon - lettuce, cucumber, pumpkin, cabbage
- as they will help the body regulate liquids. Operations have traditionally
been avoided at the Full Moon since it was thought that there was more
likelihood of haemorrhage.
To harness the energy of the Full Moon, wear 'Moon' jewellery principally
opal which contains up to 10 per cent water. Or rock crystal, pearls or
Moonstone. Silver is also a Moon metal. Healing crystals are greatly
empowered by moonlight so leave them overnight in the full glare of the Moon.
- and it’s a blue moon too!
Today's full moon is a ‘blue moon’. Most seasons have three full moons and t
raditionally, when there are four full moons in a season, the third is
called a blue moon. It's also said that the second full moon in any calendar
month is a blue moon, but this definition was adopted only by mistake after
an incorrect article appeared in Sky and Telescope magazine in 1946. Blue
Moons take place every couple of years or so. Occasionally there are two in a
Technically speaking, blue moons aren't always seen by everyone on the planet
because time differences can put the second full moon into the following