This week in Astro News:
More on the exciting, new five planet alignment
The big planetary line-up that will make May so special is well under way,
and you will be able to watch the planets getting closer to each other day by
day. If you are still not sure which planet is which, then have a look
tonight, when the moon will help you get your bearings. You need to be out at
about 9pm, when the sun has gone down. Find the moon, and then draw an
imaginary line from the moon downwards and to the right, to where the sun set
earlier. Just below the moon and to the right is Jupiter, bright and easy to
see. Down at the bottom of the line, near the horizon, is Venus, even
brighter. In the middle, and almost exactly west, are two dimmer, reddish
stars with a little cluster of white stars next to them. The red object on
the left is Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull; the other one is Mars. Just above
Aldebaran is a small dull grey ‘star’. This is Saturn. If you look again
each day at about the same time or a little later, you’ll see things in more
or less the same places, but with Venus and Mars creeping closer to Saturn
each time. It’s Romeo and Juliet in the skies. As Venus and Mars grow closer,
their love becomes stronger - but we can see that sooner or later they will
have to meet Saturn, which is a bit like coming home late and having to tell
your parents where you have been. Watch the story develop over the next three
Mars and Aldebaran sit side by side at the moment, which makes them easy to
spot. Times when these two red lights were together were seen by ancient
writers as needing extra care; at moments like this, glory and grief are too
close to each other for comfort. We should expect the usual international
hotspots to flare up yet again - but in a few days, when Mars has moved on,
the situation should settle.
Please double-check with the organisation before attending any events listed here - we cannot accept any responsibility for events changed/cancelled.
Are you holding an astrological event - especially one outside London!! -
that you would like others to know about?
Research into Astrology and Infertility by Pat Harris, MSc., D.F.Astrol.S.
I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my earlier notices on Jonathan's website and who volunteered to take part in the research that I am conducting as part of my PhD in astrology and health psychology at Southampton University, UK. I now have quite a number of people taking part which will help me in conducting my study into factors that may or may not correlate with fertility treatment outcome. I should have a progress report out soon. However, I am still looking for women who are currently pregnant - not necessarily as a result of fertility treatment - and who would like to contact me about details of my research to see if they would like to take part. My email address is:
New Service is Top for the Charts
If you missed any of Friday's Astronews articles, click on the Archive Thought for the Day link in the left hand frame.