Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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April 21st to April 26th 2003

Communciation between humans and cetaceans?

Recently, the planet of innovation moved into the sign of the fish. Ever since, I have been thinking about dolphins. Judging by my mailbag, I am not alone. Back when Uranus was in Aquarius, the whole world got hooked up to the internet. Could this new eight-year phase be about to bring true communication between humans and cetaceans? I figure it is time to ask a dolphin. So I shall see if I can find one when I go on holiday, later this week.
Jonathan on holiday tomorrow

Tomorrow, I start a brief holiday. As ever, during my absence, some of the world’s finest astrologers will be writing your daily prediction. This time though, we shall do things slightly differently. I will be away from Wednesday to Friday, then back on Saturday in The Look magazine. After which, I shall vanish again for two more days. I am looking forward to the break... and to the strange experience of turning to this page each day without any idea of what I am going to read!
Proper birth dates - Adam Smith, guest astrologer

Jonathan is away. Today’s guest is Adam Smith. Adam, a London-based consultant astrologer, writes regularly for Spirit magazine and in journals published in Australia, Korea, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. Find out even more about Adam, a keen musician, on his website,

Adam Smith writes: Not only do many people not know what time they were born, it’s often tricky for astrologers to get a proper birth date. It’s Shakespeare’s 451st birthday today, for example, but the date is based on the fact he was baptised on April 25 – and the neat coincidence with St George’s Day. So he could easily have been born a few days earlier, making him an Aries. Right? Not exactly. The Julian calendar then in use was 11 days behind the present Gregorian reckoning, making Shakespeare a present-day Taurus in anyone’s book. See what we have to deal with!

Moon in Aquarius - Madalyn Aslan, guest astrologer

Jonathan is away. Today’s guest is Madalyn Aslan, from San Francisco. Madalyn, author of What’s Your Sign? and the forthcoming Madalyn Aslan’s Jupiter Signs (published by Penguin Books and available from, will lecture and give readings at London’s College of Psychic Studies from May 21 – 31 Visit her at

Madalyn Aslan writes:Tonight there’s a sexy Moon in Aquarius calling for us to celebrate the fact that life exists, somehow, some way. As I write I’m finishing my book about YOUR LUCK – how to find it, how to hold it, how to set it free, and, above all, how to love it. In these times when we should be making love more than ever (and making you-know-what not at all) everyone’s luck is not by chance, but by choice. Let’s choose well. I’ll leave you with a choice made years ago by Helen Keller, an inspirational person I respect very much: “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of man as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” Seeing, hearing, speaking. Now.

Venus - Uranus pattern - Nick Campion, guest astrologer

Jonathan is away. Today’s guest writer is Nick Campion. Nick Campion has been a friend and colleague of Jonathan’s for twenty years. Nick’s website,, is one of the trendsetters when it comes to putting astrology on line and he invites you to visit.

Nick Campion writes: The current Venus-Uranus pattern is one of the most powerful in legend. It relates to the idea of the timeless love affair which passes through tragedy but then endures for ever. And on an everyday level it encourages all people who are driven by raw passion! But, turning to higher things, I found this quote from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. He said, ‘Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe – the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me’. Wise words indeed, and spoken over 200 years ago!

Thanks to the guest astrologers

My thanks to the excellent astrologers who have been sitting in for me over the past few days. I will continue my break on Monday and Tuesday. Meanwhile, here are your weekly forecasts as usual (I wrote these before I went on my hols!).

Happy Birthday!
Michelle Pfeiffer (Taurus born April 29, 1958) Taureans are blessed with a smouldering sensuality that makes them seem stunningly sultry at all times. They just can’t help it. They positively glow with inner electricity. Michelle Pfeiffer, who turns 45 on Tuesday is a case in point. Taureans – like fine wine – become more magnificent with the passing of the years. The best of her career is yet to come.
Happy birthday also this week to: Today April 26; Jet Li (40), Tomorrow April 27; Anouk Aimee (69) and Sheena Easton (44), Monday April 28; Penelope Cruz (29), Tuesday April 29; Daniel Day-Lewis (46), Andre Agassi (33) Uma Thurman (33), Wednesday April 30; Willie Nelson (70), Thursday May 1; Judy Collins (64) and Rita Coolidge (58), Friday May 2; Engelbert Humperdinck (67) and Bianca Jagger (58).


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