~ AstroDiary ~
Caution: Heavy Planets Reversing
Ever noticed how road traffic seems to double in the lead-up to Christmas?
The planets must be feeling the same way, because there’s a lot of heavy
traffic in the next few days, with two pairs of outer planets making tricky
manoeuvres. When a pair of outer planets get together they start a new
initiative, often reflected in world affairs; but when things take a wrong
turn a few months later, they have to U-turn to get back on track. This
generates aggravation, even though it’s for everybody’s benefit in the long
run – just as you fume in your car when a truck makes a reverse-turn in front
of you. Both Jupiter and Saturn are reversing now, in careful alignment with
Uranus and Pluto. Expect some political reversing, too, more revision of
financial estimates or making short-term settlements; anything to get a
result by Christmas. As with trucks, allow extra room for reversing planets –
and make use of the time to fine-tune your own plans for 2003.
The next seven days are the so-called ‘Halcyon days’, from an ancient legend
that the halcyon, or kingfisher, made a floating nest on the Mediterranean
which was strangely calm at this time: could anyone reading this in Spain or
Italy write in and tell us if it’s true this year?
Please double-check with the organisation before attending any events listed here - we cannot accept any responsibility for events changed/cancelled.
Are you holding an astrological event - especially one outside London!! -
that you would like others to know about?
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