A couple of weeks ago, Iraq’s political groups met to discuss
future plans. The following day Eastern European countries
signed the treaty to create an enlarged EU next year. What
was going on in the heavens? Venus, bringer of peace and harmony,
was exactly between Saturn and Pluto – a real effort at peacemaking,
actually written in the stars! The moon was in Libra, the
sign which tries to see the view from both sides. I love it
when astrology works like this...
Most of us are familiar with the idea of
a birthchart, the map of the sky that shows the beginning
of a life; but horoscopes can have an end as well as a beginning.
One chart which has come to an end recently is that of Iraq.
Pluto has reached the position of Saturn in the Iraqi national
horoscope. And, as regular readers will know, Pluto and Saturn
together brings political upheaval and destruction. So, does
a nation without a horoscope have no future? Not quite, but
it is in a sort of limbo, awaiting the start of a new chapter.
When a new government is installed, or a new constitution
agreed, then the chart for that moment will become the new
national horoscope, and the nation will take the course it
describes. The timing of a new constitution should receive
at least as much care as its content, if not more; but of
course politicians never pay any attention to this, with the
usual catastrophic results.