Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts

Jonathan Cainer's Astro News
Friday December 5th 2003
The ideal Christmas Gifts for Astrology fans by Bernard Fitzwalter

The first question is, ‘How deep do you want to go?’ Astrology is a complex subject, and it's best to take it one step at a time.
Click on any of the book covers to order

cover If you like reading your horoscope in newspapers and magazines, but you want to know a little more about yourself, then try Sun Signs, Moon Signs by Charles and Suzi Harvey (published by Element Books). You already know your sun sign, of course, but the Harveys will also tell you your moon sign - and how the two together create your personality. There's lots about how different combinations interact, so you can use it to check out your friends as well.
If you want to go a step further, then How To Read Your Star Signs by Sasha Fenton (Aquarian Press) has sun signs, moon signs and your rising sign as well. cover
cover To go the whole way and calculate your own individual horoscope, you'll need a book with tables of planetary positions showing which signs the planets were in when you were born. The best of these is Parkers' Astrology, by Derek and Julia Parker (Dorling Kindersley); it has been around for years, but is now updated with extra tables for the 21st century. It has lots of pictures and is easy to follow.
There's also an excellent simpler version of the same book in the Keep It Simple Series from publishers Dorling Kindersley. Jonathan even wrote the foreword for the K.I.S.S. Guide To Astrology, so that can't be bad, can it? cover
cover People who have been studying astrology for years usually have dozens of books already, and it's hard to find them anything new, but they may not have A History of Horoscopic Astrology by James H Holden (published by the American Federation of Astrologers) or the beautiful new edition of William Lilly's works published by Ascella which saves the eyestrain of trying to read the 1647 original! cover

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