Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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January 20th to January 25th 2003

Fate versus free will

Astrologers are not obliged to be philosophers... but most of us spend a lot of time thinking about the whole issue of 'fate versus free will'. Do people really have choice? Or is everything predestined? We can't really avoid questions like this. They go with the territory. Unfortunately, the answers don't come quite so automatically. Most people think that we have a choice over most things. Some though, complicate the matter by pointing out that we can choose not to choose. After several decades of gently mulling this topic over, I am really no closer to a definitive answer than ever. Still though, I shall venture to say a little more tomorrow.
Free will

"Free will" they tell us, "is about deciding to make things happen". So er... is 'fate' about deciding to let things happen? That probably depends on who you ask. Those who believe that everything is pre-destined feel we don't even get to 'decide' that much. We may think we have a choice - but in fact, that choice has already been made! By contrast, those who believe in free will can argue that the 'fate' brigade are simply choosing to abdicate their powers and thus, their responsibilities. "Ah, no..." say the fatalists, "There's nothing responsible about kidding yourself that you have a choice when you don't." If you'd care to contribute to this debate... do drop me a line.
Born on a Wednesday

Though I have been working with other people's dates of birth for more than two decades, I rarely, give much thought to my own. I figure that it’s a bit like being a doctor and trying to diagnose yourself. How much objectivity can you possibly have? For much the same reason, I don’t dwell on the charts of my children. But at the weekend, my son Izaak reminded me that he was born on a Wednesday as, of course, was his twin sister Sofi. Then, he worked out that three of his other sisters were ALSO born on a Wednesday... as was I... and my mum! I must remember to ask him what he thinks this means!
Read your OWN!

Dear Jonathan,
My relationship is getting very difficult. I read your horoscopes for help and inspiration and often I get it. But then, he and I are both Virgos. I know our individual horoscopes must be different but I get puzzled by the way that each day, you are saying the same to him as me. Helen
Dear Helen,
Your full charts will indeed be very different. You ought to get a good astrologer to draw up both horoscopes and then show you how they compare. Meanwhile, to be clear... your daily forecast is for you alone. And er... I don’t advise anyone ever to read anyone else’s prediction!
Post Traumatic Stress on the planet

Shortly after September 11, I wrote about how the whole world could expect to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The full impact of this stress related anxiety takes a while to show. At first, after a shock, most people carry on as normal. Only slowly does the enormity of their experience sink in. In the current global mood of doom and gloom there is something of a delayed reaction to recent events. It is as if the planet is nervously preparing itself... for something that has already happened! Of course there will be more tension but, though the fear may be intense, the trouble itself will not actually be as bad as that which we have lately lived through.
For Bernard Fitzwalter's Astronews, please click on the "Astronews" link in the left hand frame.
Venus and Pluto

Venus and Pluto form their annual conjunction this week. We can all expect dormant passions to come to life and dark secrets to come to light.

Happy Birthday!
Elijah Wood b. January 28, 1981. Aquarius.
Lord Of The Rings may be an atrocious movie and a despicable insult to a wonderful book, but Elijah Wood is clearly a very talented actor. Like many Aquarians he is secretly sensitive. It took him some while to recover from the effort of playing such an all-consuming part. I foresee a bright future for him with better directors in better films.
Happy birthday also this week to: Paul Newman (78) and Eddie Van Halen (48) tomorrow; Bridget Fonda (39); Pink Floyd’s Nick Mason (58) and Mimi Rogers (48) on Monday; Oprah Winfrey (49) on Wednesday; Phil Collins (52) and Vanessa Redgrave (66) on Thursday; Minnie Driver (32), John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) (47) and Justin Timberlake (22) on Friday.


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