June 19th to June 25th 2006
TUESDAY June 20 Powerful Week email Dear Jonathan, My horoscope said, "Here comes a powerful week". I must ask, does powerful translate into intense, trying, gruelling, financially devastating? Because that’s what kind of week I had. It seems that without fail, whenever you give me a great forecast, things fall apart for me. John
Dear John, |
WEDNESDAY June 21 Midsummer Solstice Solstice Greetings! By the time you read this I should be asleep, having stayed up all night to greet the dawn. This is a great tradition amongst astrologers, though I must admit that where once I would have carried on till the next evening, I am reaching the time of life where it's easy to stay awake through the shortest night but difficult to get through the longest day without a little nap! I normally find that the first light of the Sun on Midsummer day brings a prophetic revelation. If I see anything, I'll let you know tomorrow. |
THURSDAY June 22 Solstice comment Thick clouds covered the sky as I watched the sun rise yesterday. Instead of the first dazzling rays of dawn, a pink and orange glow gradually filled the horizon. I was standing in a ‘Wood Henge’; a circle of giant tree trunks, specially positioned to align with the solstice dawn. About 1000 people were drumming, singing and playing Tibetan singing bowls. As the Sun made its first clear appearance, a chorus of bagpipes began to play. And I saw a difficult year for the global economy... but by no means the time of great disaster that some now fear. |
FRIDAY June 23 Violent World email Dear Jonathan, The more I read the news, the more disillusioned I get. It seems people are more violent towards each other than at any other time in history. Technology and progress have brought much more hate and fear than love and happiness. Steve
Dear Steve, |
SATURDAY June 24 No Thought for the Day |
SUNDAY June 25 Dark of the Moon Your Week Ahead: This weekend, once more, we are in the “dark of the Moon”. For the next couple of days, distant stars will be more visible as too, according to traditional belief, will distant spirits. This is supposed to be a time when the “veil between the realms” grows thin, and it becomes possible to communicate with the beings beyond; with our ancestors... or even our future selves! On Tuesday, at twilight, you should see the Moon reappear - thin but clear on the North West horizon. With luck, you may also pick out three planets around it: Mercury fast sinking from view, Saturn to the Moon's left, and fainter Mars to the upper left of Saturn. |
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