March 6th to March 12th 2006
My first ever daily zodiac column appeared on March 4, 1986 in the launch issue of the now defunct Today newspaper. Then, as now, the predictions had to be ready a couple of days in advance. I must, therefore, have been writing those initial forecasts twenty years ago this very day! 6,420 columns, 75,000 individual predictions or roughly eight million words later I’m still very much enjoying the job. I can’t get any balder or greyer, but I reckon I can manage a good few million more words ... and I’m looking forward to the next twenty years!
TUESDAY March 7 Twenty years of writing forecasts - Part 5 Photo: A convention of British astrologers, somewhere in London, somewhere between 1982 - 5. I'm on the far right in the jumper and tie (!). Nik Kollerstrom - astronomy expert - is second left. The late, great Charles Harvey is seated far left. Scientific correllation researcher, Mick O'Neill is seated far right. Historian and author Patrick Curry in the jacket, on the back row. And the others? If someone recognises anyone, please someone email me and, through the day, we'll update the site with info as it arrives. My first ever daily zodiac column appeared on March 4, 1986 in the launch issue of the now defunct Today newspaper. Then, as now, the predictions had to be ready a couple of days in advance. I must, therefore, have been writing those initial forecasts twenty years ago this very day! 6,420 columns, 75,000 individual predictions or roughly eight million words later I’m still very much enjoying the job. I can’t get any balder or greyer, but I reckon I can manage a good few million more words ... and I’m looking forward to the next twenty years! |
WEDNESDAY March 8 Twenty years of writing forecasts - Part 6 Today's picture, by the way, was taken in 1983, in London. It shows a group of serious and highly respected astrologers... the kind who would never bring their art into disrepute by writing sun sign predictions! On the far left, at the table, is the late, great and still sorely missed Charles Harvey. Seated next to him, there's Danielle Claret, Jane de Rome and scientific correlation researcher, Mick O'Neill. From left standing are David Stevens, Astronomy expert Nick Kollerstrom, Rowan Bayne, Martin Budd, Simon Best, author and historian Patrick Curry, Michael Startup, Graham Douglas and, on the end, in the tie, with the dodgy patterned sweater... an early prototype version of Jonathan Cainer. |
THURSDAY March 9 Good day to bad day email Dear Jonathan, Why do some days suddenly turn from good to bad... or vice versa? Is it to do with the planets? Or is it just because I'm a Scorpio? Maureen Dear Maureen, |
FRIDAY March 10 Sun, Mercury and Earth comment The Sun, Mercury and Earth form a straight line this weekend. The technical name for this is an 'inferior conjunction'. To an astrologer, though, this is a very superior, deeply auspicious alignment that confers "clarity of communication". If you've been following this page carefully lately, you'll know the communication planet is currently moving "backwards". Many people have lately found themselves talking at cross purposes... or becoming confused. Though Mercury won't change direction for another couple of weeks, its alignment with the Sun will help many of us to shine light on situations that have seemed dark and mystifying. |
SATURDAY March 11 No Thought for the Day |
SUNDAY March 12 Astrology advert email query Your Week Ahead:
Dear Jonathan, Dear Anne, |
Click here for Jonathan Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts |