November 13th to 19th November 2006
MONDAY November 13
Saturn hurricane
There's now an enormous hurricane on Saturn with winds of 350 mph. Astrophysicists say they have never seen anything quite like it. It has a calm central area that looks uncannily like a giant eye. Saturn symbolises structure and tradition, protocol and precedent. Wherever there's a limitation, a negative point of view or a lingering bitter memory, Saturn usually dominates the chart of the sky. Suddenly, Saturn appears to be letting us see that it can 'see'. This suggests a phase when we learn to see more about the real causes... and cures of our fears, frustrations and resentments.
TUESDAY November 14
Saturn hurricane - Part 2
The obvious is often the hardest thing to see. Yesterday, I mentioned a storm at the south pole of Saturn with a giant ellipse at the centre. I explained that Saturn symbolises structure and restriction. Last night, it dawned on me that the greatest limitation we all face is so powerful that our only choice is to accept it... and then ignore it. It is, of course, our inability to slow down, speed up or turn back time. The sudden appearance of this enormous eye suggests we may be about to gain new insight into the mechanics of time travel.
WEDNESDAY November 15
Saturn and 'Seven Year Itch' query
Hi Jonathan,
Recently you wrote about the 'seven-year itch' and said it was connected to the cycle of Saturn. Well, I have been a vegetarian for 18 years but every seven years I get a craving for a meat pie. Is that connected to Saturn too?
Dear Sandy,
Probably. If you find yourself wanting another pie on your next Saturn square - in 2009 -we’ll definitely have a trend. Assuming, that is, you aren’t just talking yourself into following a pattern. Personally, I have been a vegetarian for 49 years and never fancied a meat pie once!
THURSDAY November 16
A star is born!
As if from out of nowhere, on Tuesday, at 7.33pm, my eldest daughter Jess produced a nine-and-a-half-pound, Moon-in-Virgo, five-planets-in-Scorpio boy. Well, I say 'from nowhere' - but it was his mum and dad that did the delivery bit. I just wandered in afterwards for a cuddle and a horoscope reading. I asked the little fellow if he had any memories or insights to share from the world that he had just come from. I'm sure I heard him say he'd answer me in a moment, but first he was hungry. Then though, rather disappointingly, he went straight to sleep!
FRIDAY November 17
Capitol Hillary
Dear Jonathan,
I find it significant that, just when Saturn, planet of tradition, convention and restriction is experiencing a huge storm, the Americans changed their congress and allowed a liberal female to become Speaker of the House; third in line to the Presidency.
Dear Rebecca,
It’s several years since I predicted Hillary Clinton’s ascension to the White House in 2008. These days, it sounds more like a statement of the obvious than a dramatic prophecy. I wonder, though, how much good it will do. Experience teaches me that Liberals, Socialists and Conservatives alike can make equally appalling choices.
SATURDAY November 18
Wish on a star
Your Week Ahead: Spaceship Earth is currently taking us through a patch of space that is littered with debris from the comet Tempel-Tuttle. As this collides with our atmoshpere it creates meteor showers; more romantically known as shooting stars. Because the Moon is now nearly new, we've got a good chance of seeing these as long as we're not in a built up area where street lights drown out the starlight. If you've got a dream you want to follow or a cosmic order you'd like to place, find a rural spot and meditate on the night sky for a while. Then, when you see a heavenly firework... wish on it!
Dear Jonathan....
While I always enjoy your thought for the day, I feel a bit resentful at what seemed a glib response to Nancy Pelosi becoming Speaker of the house. While its true, as you say, that both liberals and conservatives have made bad decisions, the course of history has been changed in very positive ways when the road has been open for certain groups of people. Having a woman in such a high position will absolutely make a loud, powerful, positive, and history changing impact on generations of young boys and girls, and therefore on our planet.
Dear Jonathan,
PLEASE.....a little positive attitude will go a long way...... a lot of people read your web site........ and it is proven that positive attitudes do effect others in a positive way!! the same goes for negative!!Please think positive....... At least give our new government a chance!!
Dear Jonathan,
As an American and a woman and a Democrat, I must tell you Hillary Clinton does not stand a snowball's chance in hell of ascending to the presidency. She has alienated even those who were once her supporters in her quest. Anyhow, she is doing a great job as a legislator. Let her continue to do so.
Congratulations on your grandchild!
Dear All...
I have had many emails over the past few hours, taking me to task for the comments I made about Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and politicians in general. On reflection, I feel a bit sheepish. I normally think hard about the potential for my words to be misinterpreted but I clearly did not think hard enough yesterday. Of course it's a great thing that there's now a woman holding a position of high office. I though, live in Britain - where we have had a woman prime minister within living memory. Her impact on life in this land though, is one that most folk would far prefer to forget. So I was really just reflecting an awareness that whether a politician is male or female is not really, in itself, a reason to feel sad or glad. Likewise whether they come from the left or the right is surely of secondary importance to the quality of the wisdom they may (or may not) have. I appreciate though that its high time the USA had a female president, hence my remarks about Hillary Clinton. But here, I appear to have upset many people who don't like her. So for the record I had better say that not all my political predictions come true - and the whole point about the future is that it has not happened yet and that we can influence the way it turns out through our choices, atittudes and actions.
SUNDAY November 19
Wish on a star
Your Week Ahead: Spaceship Earth is currently taking us through a patch of space that is littered with debris from the comet Tempel-Tuttle. As this collides with our atmoshpere it creates meteor showers; more romantically known as shooting stars. Because the Moon is now nearly new, we've got a good chance of seeing these as long as we're not in a built up area where street lights drown out the starlight. If you've got a dream you want to follow or a cosmic order you'd like to place, find a rural spot and meditate on the night sky for a while. Then, when you see a heavenly firework... wish on it!