Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

October 23rd to 29th October 2006

MONDAY October 23
Classification of planets email

Dear Jonathan,
If Eris, Ceres and Pluto are all now officially dwarf planets, what about other recent discoveries like Quaoar and Sedna? Aren't they just as important? And what about Charon? Hasn't there also been a lot of talk about it being much more than just a moon of Pluto?

Dear Dave,
The International Astronomical Union still seems to be considering the classification of all these heavenly bodies. We await their next announcement with bated breath... for it may yet contain more unintentionally deep meaning for all who study cosmic coincidence.

TUESDAY October 24
"We are not our bodies" email query

Dear Jonathan,
In a recent forecast you said "We are not our bodies." That is not true. The body is an extension of the spiritual/energetic self.

Dear Jessica,
I should really have said that ULTIMATELY, we are not our bodies... for while we are in them, of course they belong to us. But are we not more than just our bodies? And when our physical bodies no longer exist, is that really the end of us?

WEDNESDAY October 25
Cosmic Order email query

Greetings Jonathan,
If we can cosmic order positive gifts from the cosmos, perhaps we can also order problems. Sometimes, I think, I bring my fears into life by focusing on them so intently.

Dear Michele,
When our attitudes and expectations are positive, we become magicians. Even when our 'spells' don’t work, they somehow help us. When we are pessimistic and skeptical, though, we become like sinks without plugs. No matter how much magic pours into our world, it drains away. Yet even at times when we can change nothing else, we can always change our thoughts and feelings.

THURSDAY October 26
Physical body comment

Dear Jonathan,
I can't believe that when our physical bodies end, we end. I have received too many messages and signs from loved ones lost. When my sister was dying from cancer, I asked her to speak to me when she got 'there'. She came to me once and told me not to worry about all the silly things we worry about here, that it is so beautiful, peaceful and so 'beyond all that'. It was the clearest dream I've ever had. I've remembered every detail and the strong emotion I felt. For me, there’s no doubt. Terry

FRIDAY October 27
Physical body comment - 2

Even conventional science gives credence to the idea that we are more than our bodies. The first law of thermodynamics says, 'Energy cannot be created or destroyed'. Take water. It can be solid, liquid, vapour or even invisible (steam and supersteam) but no-one doubts that it continues to exist. Why should we be different? As we are energetic bodies (well, perhaps not on Monday mornings) then we too must continue to exist. What a tease. Ask us to talk about such a deep subject and then request brevity. Just as I'm about to wax lyrical I'm cut off in my prime...
Peace, Ann

SATURDAY October 28
Mercury and Neptune comment

Why is Mercury said to be the planet of communication and commerce? Because of the way it zips around the zodiac, often hard to spot - appearing only briefly, low on the horizon after sunset, yet still prone to sporadic periods of great visibility. Mercury, this week, begins a three-week phase of apparently backward motion. If you're hoping to get a deal done, you may find it now flounders for a while. Neptune, meanwhile, also changes direction - but from backwards to forwards. Because of when it was discovered we associate Neptune with photography, memory and the blurring of dream and reality. For many, this will be a week of waking up.

SUNDAY October 29
Mercury and Neptune comment

Your Week Ahead:

Why is Mercury said to be the planet of communication and commerce? Because of the way it zips around the zodiac, often hard to spot - appearing only briefly, low on the horizon after sunset, yet still prone to sporadic periods of great visibility. Mercury, this week, begins a three-week phase of apparently backward motion. If you're hoping to get a deal done, you may find it now flounders for a while. Neptune, meanwhile, also changes direction - but from backwards to forwards. Because of when it was discovered we associate Neptune with photography, memory and the blurring of dream and reality. For many, this will be a week of waking up.


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