January 15th to January 21st 2007
Picture: Jack Straw, pictured here with Condoleeza Rice when he was British Foreign Secretary. He was then 'demoted' to Leader of the Commons. As a Leo, he is sure to enjoy his return to the limelight.
TUESDAY January 16 Halley's comet in 1066 The famous Bayeux tapestry clearly shows Halley's comet shining brightly in the sky while William was conquering Harold. Back in 1066, both men would have seen this as an auspicious omen. In the end, though, it only turned out to augur well for one side. There, in a nutshell, is the dilemma astrologers face when advising a great leader. First, they must objectively decide what the heavenly sign means. Then they must break the news to their client, even if this is likely to make them unpopular! Tomorrow, I'll tell you what happened to Hitler's astrologer under such circumstances. Site update: The final part of the 2007 Year Ahead predictions is now available. |
WEDNESDAY January 17 Astrology and politicians Ronald Reagan was the last major world leader to openly accept astrological advice. His contemporary, Margaret Thatcher, denied sharing his enthusiasm. Interestingly, though, she would never reveal her birth time. She clearly knew how much this could reveal to an astrologer. Her hero, Winston Churchill, was keenly aware of the power of the planets. During WWII he employed an astrologer called Louis De Wohl, just to tell him what Hitler’s astrologer was saying. Karl Ernst Krafft, was that astrologer. He began the war with great influence but fell out of favour when he started to give the Fuhrer undesirable news. |
THURSDAY January 18 Inquest on Princess Diana Elizabeth Butler-Sloss has been appointed to conduct the definitive inquest into Princess Diana's death. Her first move has been to dispense with a jury. She will decide, all alone, one of the most important cases in history. How could anyone possess such breathtaking belief in their own authority? Well, she was born on August 10, 1933. She is a Leo! Leos, though, are also usually, wise. Perhaps she is wise enough to realise that no matter what she concludes, there will never be closure. Our great, great, great grandchildren will still be discussing the latest conspiracy theories. |
FRIDAY January 19 Comet McNaught and the Dark of the Moon Comet McNaught is no longer visible from the Northern Hemisphere, but down-under it is now truly spectacular. It looks even brighter because there is less moonlight now than last weekend. Tonight, for the first time in 2007, we are entering the dark of the moon. People invariably become more sensitive at this time of the month. Some experience strong personal emotions, others find that their psychic and intuitive abilities deepen. Many experience both reactions. The influence of the New Moon is likely to be increased by the comet, regardless of whether or not you are in a position to see it. |
SATURDAY January 20 Heavenly influence When people think about the planets, travelling round the Sun, they imagine nice neat, evenly-spaced circles. In fact, though, planetary paths are elliptical. Those egg-shaped orbits mean not everything is at the same distance from everything else all the time. The earth, at this time of year, for example, is about as close to the Sun as it ever gets. And round about now, the Moon is as close to the Earth as it ever comes. Does that mean then that, as people are all subject to heavenly influence, we will all draw a little closer to each other this week? Well, it would be nice to think so! |
SUNDAY January 21 Heavenly influence When people think about the planets, travelling round the Sun, they imagine nice neat, evenly-spaced circles. In fact, though, planetary paths are elliptical. Those egg-shaped orbits mean not everything is at the same distance from everything else all the time. The earth, at this time of year, for example, is about as close to the Sun as it ever gets. And round about now, the Moon is as close to the Earth as it ever comes. Does that mean then that, as people are all subject to heavenly influence, we will all draw a little closer to each other this week? Well, it would be nice to think so! |
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