April 30th to May 1st 2007
MONDAY April 30
To bee or not to bee?
Dear Jonathan,
What do you think about the vanishing bees? Apparently, these creatures are getting so confused by mobile phone signals that they can no longer navigate. And what about Albert Einstein’s prophecy. He said, ‘When bees disappear from the earth, Man will only have four years left.’
Dear Richard,
Our technology may well be upsetting the bees. It is certainly upsetting the whales and the dolphins. I predict, though, that we will eventually solve the problem and bees will be back. As for Einstein’s statement, well, that’s just an internet hoax. He never said any such thing!
Night of the Full Moon
It looks Full. It 'feels' Full. But if you check your diary, you won't see a Full Moon symbol by today's date. Technically, the Moon is not full until lunchtime tomorrow. Then, though, it won't be visible from here. By the time we see it next, it will be ever so slightly 'past full'. Tonight, therefore, is the official 'night of the Full Moon'. So if you're planning to cast a spell, haunt a house, wake a zombie, bite a neck, sprout a claw or vote for the British National Party in the local elections on Thursday... please chain yourself up, out of harm's way, right now!
Spirited Reply
Dear Jonathan,
My daughter and I are the same sign. So, are your forecasts for me or her? By the way, I often ask the Holy Spirit for guidance but I think Spirit is tiring of my calls. You wouldn't have Holy Spirit''s Email would you?
Dear Michael,
They say all messages intended for a holy spirit reach a holy spirit, regardless of what address we use. There's always a reply too, if we are willing to hear it. Now, your astrological dilemma... your forecast is for you, your daughter's is for her! Same words, different meanings.
Concern over bees
Dear Jonathan,
‘Bees are vanishing because of pesticides and GM crops, NOT phone signals.’ Matthew.
‘Mobile signals are generally weak in the agricultural areas where bees live. A parasitic fungal infection is to blame for their numbers dropping.’ Paul.
‘Einstein may not have made a prediction about bees, but Rudolph Steiner did. In 1923, this highly acclaimed education pioneer predicted that commercial beekeeping methods would wipe out bees within 100 years.’ Laurel.
Dear All, I think we should be concerned, but not alarmed by the bee situation. These creatures will adapt to a changing world... just as we will.
Workshop-talks with Jonathan
Many readers have asked for more detail about my recent trip to the Mayan city of Chichen Itza. What did I really discover about the 2012 prophecies? Did I find corroboration for this on my subsequent journey to Tibet? I’m working on a book which will explain all in more detail. I’m also planning to give several ‘workshop-talks’ on this topic over the next few months. One will be at Glastonbury Festival, but I will also be talking, in Somerset on Saturday, June 2, at the Sunrise Celebration. If you’d like to come, details are at
Mars moves into Aries
Red for danger, for anger, for passion. Astrologers attribute all these meanings to the red planet, Mars. Scientists now think it may harbour life of a kind, deep beneath its surface. There is certainly recent evidence of water. A few years ago, Mars came closer to us than ever before. We took a good look at this planet of War and, thanks to the invasion of Iraq, a look too, at how wars on our planet are easily started (but not so easily finished). This month, Mars moves into Aries. For Aries folk it's a time for a fresh start. For the rest of us - a time to choose. We can end a conflict... or start one!
Mars moves into Aries
Red for danger, for anger, for passion. Astrologers attribute all these meanings to the red planet, Mars. Scientists now think it may harbour life of a kind, deep beneath its surface. There is certainly recent evidence of water. A few years ago, Mars came closer to us than ever before. We took a good look at this planet of War and, thanks to the invasion of Iraq, a look too, at how wars on our planet are easily started (but not so easily finished). This month, Mars moves into Aries. For Aries folk it's a time for a fresh start. For the rest of us - a time to choose. We can end a conflict... or start one!